photo bureau zen

We told you, here we are at 17 boulevard Helvétique to begin a new adventure with an united team beside Diane: Laura, the efficient faithful who has supported us administratively for almost 20 years, and Aline who is returning with her Bar exam in hands to support us in particular in both administrative and civil litigation.

We stocked up on energy and concocted a place in our image which highlights our attachment to areas linked to the act of building, to real estate, to heritage and its actors, to the development of our environment.

We will continue to support you throughout your journey, to develop connections, meaning, reciprocal and lasting trust.

Always convinced that Law is a tool, not an end in itself and that…la vita è bella!

Diane Schasca Brunoni
Lawyer | Director
Aline Vendeiro Antunes
Laura Salerno
Bientôt les fêtes…

Voilà, ça y’est bientôt les fêtes…et avec elles la frénésie des activités qui s’accélèrent, les décorations de ville, les inévitables prises

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Parking of Rive and Parking St-Antoine nearby